Download PyMacroRecord

Download Setup for Windows

Or... you can download the portable version

Problems you might encounter by opening the setup

You may encounter the Windows SmartScreen. This is normal, my program is unknown from Windows. Just click on “More Info” and “Run Anyway”

Installation for Linux and MacOS

1. If you didn't already, install Python

2. Download the last source code here.

3. Extract it wherever you want

4. Open the terminal and type cd <PATH TO SOFTWARE FOLDER>

5. Type the command:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

➡️ If you are on Linux, you might need to install Tkinter manually, commands to install are here

➡️ You need to remove the win10toast from requirements.txt or else you won't be able to install the depedencies

➡️ Mac Users, you must add python app to accessibility settings in system preferences to allow input monitoring.

➡️ (Optional) If you want these package to be on virtual environment (depedencies of the software only in the folder) follow these step here.

6. Finally, type cd src and type the command: python3

And boom! The software is now ready to use.